98.5% accurate urine specimen collection – review by Greg Bull
I first came across the Peezy device when I was contacted to ask if I could help with a Part IX Drug Tariff application. I read the information, looked at the device and I was a fan from day one. On a personal basis I have four daughters and a female partner and I know from experience how important getting an accurate diagnosis from a mid-stream urine sample is.
It’s also ridiculous that in the 21st Century women are asked to start urinating, then stop, get a tiny urine sampling tube into position, then start urinating again, then stop, put the lid on, and then, and only then, can they finish their urination.
There are issues of accuracy in the collection process; it can also be pretty unhygienic trying to aim your urine into such a small opening.
As the world reels from the impact of Covid-19 isn’t it time this simple cheap device was taken up across the whole NHS to save lives and prevent illness and excessive, and possibly the unnecessary use of antibiotics, which will ultimately lead to antibiotic resistance in the human race?
For your dispensing patients this product is reimbursed via the Drug Tariff and can be prescribed and dispensed to them and you gain the dispensing fee on the item. Where the patient has to pay, why not just give them a Peezy free of charge? It will cost the practice less than the price of a cup of coffee from one of those well-known coffee houses and how your female patients will thank you.
The Peezy is a great example of where innovation and invention should be good for the patient, should be good for the NHS and would be good for dispensing practice.
To find out more click here
Transparency Statement; Nothing to see here, we just love everything about the Peezy device and think it should be adopted across the whole of the NHS.
Greg Bull – November 2020