Every month someone, somewhere in the surgery will have access to your dispensary’s reimbursement figures via the mysterious Open Exeter Statement.
This should ideally be the shared with the Dispensary Manager.
If you are managing your dispensary and you don’t have access to this, you just wont be able to keep on top of your dispensary business performance.
This document viewed online or preferably downloaded and printed out for analysis gives you all the information you need to determine how your dispensary is performing in terms of spend and profitability.
But do you know how to interpret the data presented?
For example, the Open Exeter statement dated September 2020 relates to the dispensing carried out in June. This means you would need to compare it to your June wholesaler spend, prescription charges collected and dispensed items to ensure no reimbursement is going missing.
It is a fine art making sure that what you submit for payment is getting paid into your bank account. If you find discrepancies between the number of items you claimed for and the number of items paid on a regular basis then you have a problem. The same goes for analysis of reimbursement against total spend on medicines.
Over my twenty-five plus years of working with Dispensing Doctors I have fine tuned the analysis of Open Exeter versus Wholesaler Spend.
Look at the Open Exeter Statement below – does it all make sense to you?

How many prescription charges should the dispensary have taken from their paying patients?
How many items have been reimbursed?
What is the reimbursement figure for dispensed medicines in June 2020?
To find out details of our upcoming webinar Explaining the Open Exeter Statement register by emailing contact@dispensingdoctorexperts.co.uk