Drug Tariff Advance Notice of Changes for July 2022
The image below shows the upcoming changes to various products in Part VIIIA from July 1st 2022.
For generic prescriptions for felodipine modified release tablets the reimbursement will presumably drop from the current price based on Plendil to the lower-priced Cardioplen XL price. Keep an eye on your stock levels and if dispensing Plendil you will need to ensure the prescription is correctly written as an order for Plendil in the main body of the prescription.
Also keep an eye on the purchase price of the oral solutions listed as due to a category change from July 1st. It may be worth running down any stock of the Sucralfate 1g/5ml oral suspension as the Drug Tariff price may fall.

Drug Tariff Deletions from July 1st 2022; take a look at the brands below being removed from the Drug Tariff and run down your stock and ensure your prescribe by brand IF you are dispensing any of these after July 1st 2022

As usual we include the Drug Tariff additions for the sake of completeness: