Are you a qualified dispenser who wants to develop their skills and knowledge further to benefit their practice more? Are you a dispensary manager who needs more confidence and knowledge to manage the dispensary team and finances more effectively? Have you got a dispensary where the manager is nearing retirement or needs extra help form […]
Tag: Drug Tariff
FAQ – Testing Strips
Question: I have a question about monitoring and the use of testing strips. Not sure whether this is a good subject for one of your hints and tips emails? When a patient home monitors they will be prescribed strips and therefore an FP10 claimable. If using in the surgery can we prescribe? I think they […]
FAQ – Another PA Item Query
Question: Thank you for the recent webinar with regards to PA VAT and Profitable Dispensing. Can you point me in the right direction to find the list of HMRC PA Items? As this has got me slightly worried on how I divide by monthly drug statements between PA Items and Dispensing items. At the moment […]
Contrelle Now Available on Prescription
Contrelle Activgard is now listed in Part IX of the Drug Tariff and can now be prescribed by general practitioners. 1/3 of women are reported to suffer from stress urinary incontinence, impacting both their quantity and quality of exercise and mental health. Contrelle is a disposable bladder support, which offers a simple, self-administered approach to […]
FREE Neuropad Sample!
Email for a FREE Sample What is neuropad® used for? Nerve damage to the feet is a common complication of diabetes but is often not noticed until it has become quite advanced and conventionally this may be picked up through a positive 10g monofilament test for lack of vital protective sensation. However late detection and […]
Are Your Hypromellose Eye Drops Prescriptions Being Returned?
Hypromellose Eye Drops – An Explanation of What Has Happened. Recently we have had a few emails in as dispensing practices have had their Hypromellose Eye Drop prescriptions returned to them and they want to know why. The answer is that Hypromellose Eye Drops 0.3% were removed from the Drug Tariff Part VIIIA in June […]
September 2022 Drug Tariff Changes
See the Latest Drug Tariff Changes for the Month of September 2022 Every month we publish a list of the upcoming Drug Tariff changes for the following month. This gives you and your dispensary team time to react to potential income changes for the future. It is vital that you understand the possible impact of […]
Sign up for the IQoro Rebate Scheme
The IQoro Device with a 15% rebate scheme monitored and audited by Dispensing Doctor Experts To sign up for the NEW 15% rebate scheme email us at UPDATE and Vital Information on How to Fulfil a Prescription and NEW Rebate Scheme The IQoro device was listed in the various Drug Tariffs for England and […]
Drug Tariff Changes August 2022
Drug Tariff Changes Acebutolol 400mg tablets Generic back available – at what price though? Previously the reimbursement price was based on a brand NHS list price – check your stock levels of the brand and look at the purchase price of generic acebutolol 400mg tablets x 28. If your purchase price is ABOVE the Drug […]
FAQs – Prescription Switches and What Happens to Prescriptions Once They Have Been Processed?
FAQs Prescription Switches and What Happens to Prescriptions Once They Have Been Processed? Q – What happens if a Practice wants to dispute prescriptions that have been switched? A – Please see link below to NHSBSA Website for relevant information and required form: Please be aware re checked batches can also result in additional […]