FREE Dispensing Doctor Masterclass; Newmarket

FREE Face to Face Dispensing Doctor Masterclass

A Half-Day Masterclass with the Experts:

Greg Bull and Alastair Carmichael of Dispensing Doctor Experts, 35+ years’ experience

23rd November at the British Racing School, Newmarket, CB8 7NU


830am             Registration, tea, coffee, Danish Pastries and meet the sponsors

915am             Chairman’s Welcome [GB]

930am             Controlled Drugs 10 Essential “Must Do” Actions [AJC]

10am               Dispensary Design for Profitability [GB and AJC]

1030am           Tea/Coffee and Biscuits

11am               Doctor Dispensing; Learning from the past, Analysing the Present and Looking to the Future [AJC and GB]

12noon            Dispensing Doctors from the other side – the Pharma View [DK]

1220pm           Automation in the Dispensary [AJC]

1245pm           Q and A Session with the Panel

1pm                 Lunch

To Book Your FREE places email

Who’s the meeting for? Dispensary Leads, dispensing lead GPs and practice managers with interest in dispensing, practice pharmacists, dispensing support staff and pharmacy technicians. Maximum 2 attendees per Practice.

This meeting has been sponsored by Ridge Pharma and Lupin Pharma and neither company has had any influence on the venue, agenda, or speakers.