Are you receiving your Wrong Group Movement information from your CCG [England] or Health Board [Wales]?
We have been reviewing a number of PCSE Statements for practices and there is no indication of Wrong Group Movement information – you are supposed to get this information from your CCG as this is sent to them directly by the Pricing Authority and should be shared with you.
Further work into this has revealed that some CCGs don’t appear to know what information this is and how important it is to dispesing doctors. For those in England where NHSBSA believes a Prescription Charge should have been taken by the practice the dispensary is effectively “charged” that fee. if the dispensary hasn’t take a charge then you are losing out every time a patient is switched from “exempt” to “paid”
You may need to contact your CCG/Health Board to ensure this information is included with your practice payment statement. If you need a wrong group movement check you should email this directly to:
If you aren’t being sent this information please contact your CCG if you are still having trouble then please email me via: