REMEMBER the golden rule of management – Worry about what you CAN control and not about what you can’t!
Right time for some harsh words and truths – Covid-19 has had a major impact on your Dispensary, your time has been taken up with the pandemic and probably your profitability has suffered. The double whammy of the dispensing fee drop will have added to this, and your cash flow and margins will have fallen dramatically.
But that is all beyond your control, so it is a case of moving on from that and getting back to normal and especially, getting back to managing your dispensaries as businesses.
We are here to help you upgrade your margins and make sure you are getting all of your discounts and not losing out money you should be getting, Its all about real support and advice, independently, no strings attached, no agenda – completely ethical.
We will analyze the entire dispensing process from prescription ordering by the patient to handing the medicine to the patient, and look at your dispensary design, layout and how things could be improved.
DO you know what your actual profitability is?
DO you know if you are making any margin in the dispensary?
HOW many items are you dispensing safely, per hour?
STEP ONE – is a FREE Telephone Consultations – do you have a problem in your dispensary? Are your profits falling? Do you want to check your profit against our benchmarks? Are you considering automation? Thinking of how better to use your space?
STEP TWO – may be a remote full online review of your purchasing, profitability, MDS schemes and reimbursement which has a set cost of only £450 + vat, this will give us more information about how you are doing and whether you need to go to STEP THREE
STEP THREE – this is the ultimate upgrade package – a full or half day face to face visit to your practice. A full INDEPENDENT profitability and process review, we have no hidden agendas or commissions from pushing you to buy from a particular supplier. We will look at your dispensary design and layout and extending that to your whole practice and looking to improve your dispensary profitability via design or location tweaks. And unlike other companies, our charges are reasonable and will more than pay for themselves. The cost for this service starts at only £600 + expenses + VAT and includes a full report.
And just to let you know our pharma contacts are also more than willing to help ensure you are on the best deals available. Upgrade your dispensary margins without spending a fortune with our trusted team.
If you need a hand, some help, advice or just a quick chat about anything dispensing related or profit and benchmarking your profitability against your peers, just send me an email via contact@dispensingdoctorexperts.co.uk and lets have a chat on the phone or Zoom over a cup of tea or coffee.